Motorists will soon no longer be able to apply for an official warning based on a good driving record if they are caught speeding at more than 10km/h over the limit.
The changes to the official warning notice criteria will come into effect on Monday 21 September.
Road Policing Command Superintendent Kevin Sheridan said the change sends a strong safety message.
“I think the community will agree that a motorist caught speeding at 54 km/h in a school zone shouldn’t be eligible for a warning,” he said.
“Speeding remains one of the biggest killers on our roads and this is a reminder for drivers that they are responsible for making sure they are aware of their surroundings, including speed limits, at all times.”
Motorists will still be able to apply for an official warning under provisions for special or exceptional circumstances.
A good driving record will remain a basis for appeal for motorists detected speeding by less than 10km/h over the limit.