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Police warn against reckless driving

Monday, 10 August 2015 01:33:43 PM

Police are warning reckless drivers of stiff penalties including hefty fines, disqualification and jail if they don’t act responsibly and respect other road users.

Since January 1 2014, police across New South Wales have prosecuted 19,827 drivers for reckless behaviour.

Commander of the state’s Traffic & Highway Patrol Command, Assistant Commissioner John Hartley, said road users should not tolerate others that put them and other motorists at risk.

“With the road toll current at 193 fatal crashes resulting in 204 deaths, which is nine crashes and 12 deaths more than this time last year, our message to motorists is the road is there to be shared, and help us drive down the road toll in NSW,” he said.

“Anyone driving in an aggravated, dangerous, furious, predatory or menacing manner faces fines up to $5500, unlimited periods of disqualification from driving, and in some more serious cases, imprisonment between seven and 10 years,” Assistant Commissioner Hartley said.

All Highway Patrol vehicles are now fitted with in-car video and Mobile Automatic Numberplate Recognition Technology so those that either are committing offences on the road, or have been previously reported for such incidents and later detected by Highway Patrol vehicles, face the odds of getting caught, Assistant Commissioner Hartley said.

He said the key for drivers, riders, cyclists, and pedestrians alike is personal responsibility.

“Do the right thing on our roads,” Assistant Commissioner Hartley said.

Acting General Manager Centre for Road Safety Bernard Carlon said we all have a role to play when it comes to road safety.

“Whether you’re a driver, rider, pedestrian, cyclist or passenger – we all have a role to play in keeping our roads and each other safe,” Mr Carlon said.

“It’s really important you know and stick to the road rules – so brush up your skills at roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au

“Driving is all about risk management and we need our drivers to not only develop the knowledge and experience but also the attitude to be safe and smart on our roads.”

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